Friday 24 February 2012

Chipotle = yum

Chipotle is a choose your own burrito bowl place. You go to the counter and tell the server what you want in your burrito as they're making it, so you can peer over (or down if you are tall) at the ingredients that will be going into your burrito and decide what you would like. There are lots of other places like this in Boston, and maybe when I get a little braver I'll got there, but for now I am sticking to something I know I like (I am the BRAVE EXPLORER!). I have been to four different Chipotles in Boston since I got here (Harvard, Davis, Fenway and Alewife). I think I went to Chipotle 4 times in the first 8 days or something ridiculous. When I was last in San Francisco I  dragged Mat all over the city in search of a Chipotle (it turns out that the easiest to find SF one is at the bottom of the Westfield centre). The problem with writing a blog post about Chipotle is that I always get the same thing, so there are really very limited options for photos. Sorry! Here - have a link to the Willie Nelson Coldplay cover Chipotle advert:

Like I said, I always get the same thing at Chipotle - a burrito bowl with brown cilantro (coriander) lime rice, fajita veggies, pinto beans (they have bacon in, I think that's why they're tasty), mild and corn salsa, cheese, lettuce and guacamole. Plus a small soda and smoked tabasco sauce (yum, such find memories of huevos rancheros in Giraffe in Cambridge. As a total aside I booked my next sets of UK flights and they are all with BA out of terminal 5. I got all excited about eating Mexican breakfast in Giraffe, one of the great things about flying out of terminal 5 or terminal 1, and then I remembered that I had booked the BA flights because they are evening ones, so no giraffe breakfasts for me). Anyway, a burrito bowl and a soda is $8.61 in Chipotle and I reckon it is the cheapest way to get a varied and tasty burrito bowl for one, relative to making it for myself anyway. I often drag my friends there when we need a quick dinner. Or when we're going somewhere else for dessert. Or when I haven't been to Chipotle for a while. Or when I went the day before. Basically whenever I get the chance to suggest Chipotle for dinner I will. Maybe I will go tonight!

Sometimes I even make a special trip to Harvard Square at 9 o'clock on a Sunday because a Chipotle  burrito bowl with lots of guacamole is my happy food. It seems better to pop out and get something with actual veggie content than eat a bowl of cereal or make some instant mac 'n' cheese.

There are two Chipotles in London, I've never been, but I will recommend them all the same. I really do like Chipotle a lot. If you come and visit me here there is a good chance I will suggest it as a place to eat, even though it is fast food. They have a really comprehensive allergy guide on their website and the food has the allergens in that you would expect. If we go to Chipotle in Harvard Square then we will go to Pinkberry and get frozen yoghurt for pudding (not like American pudding goo, I mean pudding like dessert).

OK, so it's agreed? You're all going to come and visit me and we'll go to Chipotle. Excellent.


  1. Disturbed by the pig-squishing in the advert...

  2. Chipotle uses happy free range pigs for the bacon in my pinto beans. The pigs at the end of the advert. Non-squished pigs! Non-cube pigs! I also find the pig squishing disturbing....
