Friday 16 March 2012

Happenings in the Infinite Corridor - a miscellany

Despite Pi day, this week has been a bit of a disappointment in terms of interesting happenings around MIT. The dome has gone back to being a normal colour and everything. A lot of the poster boards are being redone, so there are fewer unsanctioned posters for crazy stuff. So instead of one crazy story from the infinite corridor, this week I will show you all the weird little things that I have taken pictures of in the infinite corridor since I arrived that don't really warrant their own post. I'll try and do it so they go from the East side of campus to the west, finishing under the dome in lobby 7.

Proof that the infinite corridor is so-called by everyone at MIT, even sign makers.

Here is a helpful light to guide you down the infinite corridor. It was only there for a day, but I saw someone video-ing it as it flashed away, so perhaps it has been saved on the internet for posterity (the lights all flashed, to make the light look like it was moving away from me, down the corridor).

Miscellaneous painted posters from the class of 2008. There were a lot more than just these two, but I couldn't stop at every poster board in the corridor! Also note the nerdily named Valentine's dating site, - oh MIT, you are so MIT-ish.

The cute little beaver in the collage below is an app competition mascot. The little sign for the Green Room reads "The prime location for MIT students to take a break or nap while travelling down the infinite corridor". I have never seen anyone napping in the Green room, but I did once see a girl with a totally fantastic unicorn hat. And not forgetting the robot overlord poster under the dome...

Finally, more pictures of the dome being purple, including a purple ribbon last Friday.

 I still find the robot overlords sign funny. I'm not sure anything will be as good a "happening" as that.

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