Sunday 4 March 2012

Happenings in the Infinite Corridor - Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

MIT has this corridor which is known as the infinite corridor. It is very long.
I walk through it everyday on my way into work. I start out under the dome in lobby 7 (where I first saw a real life MIT hack). The infinite corridor and lobby 7 are the source of most of my little MIT stories. So I thought I'd collect all of the cool little things that I have seen in and around MIT into some kind of series. A lot of the time I'll put photos of stuff like this on facebook, so I'm sorry if you end up seeing the same photo twice, but I know some people read my blog that are not my facebook friends (for example - Hi, Grandma!)

When I walk into lobby 7 at the moment the first thing I see is this:
Banner for MIT's 150th birthday, complete with the 2011 brass rat
MIT turned 150 years old last year! Happy Birthday, MIT! 
Sadly Harvard also had a significant birthday last year. They turned 375 years old had a giant red velvet cake (Harvard colours are red velvet cake colours). I haven't heard about any giant cakes for MIT's birthday celebrations, so maybe I'm not so sad about missing them. Maybe MIT makes up for the lack of cake on Pi Day? Mmmm... pie.

These are the views from under the dome in lobby 7 down the infinite corridor and straight up into the dome.
Even at 7:15 pm there are people going places in MIT
So now that the scene is set (a little bit) I'll show you Friday's lobby 7 happening / hack.

Just in case you can't read the banner in my ropey photo (sorry, I was in a bit of hurry!). Here is a zoomed in and instagram-ed version...

But not only was there a banner, the pillars under the dome were also decorated.
The right hand column pillars are either side of the entrance, hence the weird light.
My favourite is the blue one. Obviously.
It certainly brightened up my Friday morning!
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

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